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October GLOW Update

Things are moving, growing & GLOWING!


Only a month later, and so much has happened!

The capacity to expand is immense when you tap into the collective energy of Ubuntu, working together, to GLOW together.

Things have by no means been easy, not necessarily bad, but testing to say the least. Observing the rise & fall of our fluctuating energy levels as we discover our own limits of give & take, we are truly coming to comprehend the very practical benefits of true partnership.

No one can be up all the time: perfect, balanced, stable… and it has never been more important to be there for each other.

We all have a toolkit of skills and tactics when things get tough, some of our most favourites being the practice of yoga, the art of meditation and the power of communication. All of which take sufficient maintenance, but we’ll get down to a few more tips on staying emotionally strong & mentally sharp a little further down.

So, what was so tough then?

Well having a dream & chasing it is one thing, but adapting to the high tide in energy has been quite another. In one short month, we have managed to kick off our GLOW yoga classes, activate our first production run including our new Fluidity range we’ve been dreaming about forever and finally found a gap in the weather to create beautiful illuminated content with our ever growing Gold Tribe of Glow girls.

It took determination, dedication & mostly: doing the work! But here we are:

“Our new Fluidity Range in classic black, magical maroon and slick olive green is finally in production and ready to be distributed by next week to those of you who have already ordered!”

Haven’t gotten your hands on your pair of GLOW yet? Order here.

Our existing range is still available for pre-order online if we don’t happen to have your exact print and size currently available (they’ve been snapped up fast). Choose to support local businesses, shop local and share a little love with your favourite South African brands as we try get our country back on it’s feet - power to the people!

If you’re wanting to find out what this whole yoga thing is about without the pressure of attending a class in studio, please contact us for a private session - first one is free! :) Book a slot here.

If you’re wanting to find out what this whole yoga thing is about without the pressure of attending a class in studio, please contact us for a private session - first one is free! :) Book a slot here.

Quick S/O to our latest GLOW girl Daniella Corder, otherwise known as @coach_cords, for teaching us how to fight the good fight & train not just our bodies but our minds to be sharper, stronger & healthier - not just skinnier.

There truly is no better medicine than the natural high endorphins give you when moving your body, hit Dani up for her teaching schedule or to enquire personal training.

Watch the story of our latest photoshoot unfold below:

How we did it?

We checked in & listened, we supported each other giving what we could when we could (yet knowing our own boundaries) and we used our physical practices to build strength, mental endurance & revive our spirit with the natural highs endorphins offer.

We also learned to ask for help when we needed it, and are honoured to welcome an old favourite back to the team to manage the finance & mediate the decisions: Mr Neal Tennant!

Neal has been with us from the start, way back when GLOW was still just an idea twinkling in a secret design studio on the second floor of 73 Harrington Street, now affectionately known as Just Like Papa - an outdoor store true to our own adventurous spirits. Long after the sun had gone down and the stars were the last ones still twinkling, Neal was there - crunching the numbers, the breakevens and subsequently, the targets (cos let’s be honest, you’re not going to make it as a badass business babe if you don’t get your ducks numbered, counted & in a row!).

Was it worth it tho?

YES! It’s always worth it: the hard work always pays off for something, you get what you give and you always learn some insightfully valuable lessons about yourself along the way.

Keep doing the work, fight the good fight & be kind, it counts.

On the note of work, we’re also super stoked to be one of the founding partners for the launch of the sharpest online platform for local brands, SHOP SHAP. Watch this space as they take over the local e-comm space for gifting this Christmas!

If you have a cool idea that would help us get our brand out there, please don’t be shy to share some love and we’ll treat you to a nice healthy meal for some insights (you might not know this but head & heart girl Gabriela know her way around a kitchen with some knife skills to boot, to say the least).

Wanna GLOW With Us?

We’ve just hit the open road down one of the most beautiful parts of this country, the Garden Route, for some real disconnected adventure, we’ve taken to the skies to shine in the City of Gold with a little city stretch in JHB and while one half of us is currently on an epic bundu bashing mission through the Transkei, the best Wild Coast, the other half is safely tucked away up in the mountains on our favourite farm. THIS is the GLOW lifestyle we aspire to live & lead all the time.

Share your stories of what makes you GLOW, in your GLOW activewear & #GlowWithMe - for us, nature always wins, but ever the student: we’d love to learn about what works for you!

If you’re just interested in joining the Gold Tribe, hit us up for a surf, hike or yoga sesh, or better yet - challenge us to something we maybe haven’t tried before:

- we love trying new things and discovering ourselves in the process!

Love, light & all the good stuff,

Gabs & Anni

PS - we never come without treats, a bit of love or adding a bit of value, check out the below:



  1. Do a quick grocery shop on a Sunday, treat yourself to a coffee & fill the fridge with fresh produce.

  2. Put on your favourite playlist and get busy on some meal prep: grating carrots, shredding purple cabbage, pickling red onions (slice & throw in a jar with some apple cider vinegar), soaking your beans/legumes/sprouts, toast some seeds & make a nice big jar of dressing for the week.

  3. Find the tupperware lids!!

Cool, jars packed & stacked, now...? | Get home after work/training/social obligations, it’s kinda late, you don’t feel like cooking… open your fridge to realize your dinner is basically done, and it’s all raw, super healthy & ready in minutes!

Make a base of leaves/fresh veg/crunchy greens, top it with some beans/protein, dressing & sprinkle some sprouts, seeds & pickled onions on top and you’ve got a great outline for an easy meal adaptable in a million different ways. Plus, instead of feeling sluggish & lazy from fast food, you’ll feel fired & fueled, balanced and brave for the next day.


When you can’t get out into nature, this isn’t a bad second.

Slow down, connect to your senses & GLOW!


This is a great read (or listen) on life lessons and how we never stop learning, loving and growing: Tuesdays with Morrie. (We cry every time we read this book, but it’s so soothing and so full of love, like only that wise, graceful kind your grandparents can give you).

Here’s an insightful TED talk by Dan O’Neill: Enough is Enough - from the madness of more to the economies of enough, one of Annie’s old professors at University speaks about creating alternative economies that aren’t built on growth but rather those that consider planetary boundaries. (We can’t help but fan girl a bit with the triple bottom line as a strong GLOW principle!)

A very special 5 minute meditation by our dear friend & balancing mentor, Kathleen Booyse, on inner strength. Kiks was one of our very first GLOW girls and continues to inspire us from leaving the film industry to do her Yoga Teacher Training, to making some massive lifestyle changes to turn her life the right way round & most recently giving it all up to follow her heart & move out to the country! As someone who faces the daily challenges of living with bi-polar, Kiks is an epic mental health ambassador who’s not afraid to normalize the tools we all sometimes need to cope.

For more adventure content, follow us on Instagram: @moveflowglow

Enjoy, lots of love x The Glow Girls

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